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Artist Biography & Facts
Wieslaw Obrzydowski

Wieslaw Obrzydowski (Born 1938) is active/lives in Poland.  Wieslaw Obrzydowski is known for Neo-expressionist portrait, land-and cityscape painting.

Wieslaw Obrzydowski was born on March 11, 1938 in Krakow into a working class family.  He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in 1966.  He studied painting under Waclaw Taranczewski and completed his diploma under Hanna Rudzka-Cybisowa.  Most of the professors of Krakow's Academy ( Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) during Obrzydowski's stay there were Kapists, the artists or students of Polish Colorists who around !910 formed Paris Commitee (Komitet Paryski - K.P.). 

As a student from a rather poor background, Obrzydowski had to adopt conformist attitudes in order to get much needed scholarship money, which was barely enough for buying food, brushes and paint. There was usually no money left for the canvases.  Thus, already then he started to paint on whatever material he could find - cardboard, paper, old canvases, boxes, and so on.  If a canvas fell into his hand, he would cover it with wild colors on both sides.

Roughly at the same   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2790 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 13 auction lots for Wieslaw Obrzydowski (of which 4 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

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.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Wieslaw Obrzydowski as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

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.  askART lists Wieslaw Obrzydowski in 0 of its research Essays. Wieslaw Obrzydowski has 0 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 2 similar (related) artists for Wieslaw Obrzydowski available:    Eugène Geppert,  Edward Dwurnik

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Facts about Wieslaw Obrzydowski

Wieslaw Obrzydowski was born on March 11, 1938 in Krakow into a working class family.  He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in 1966.  He studied painting under Waclaw Taranczewski and completed his diploma under Hanna Rudzka-Cybisowa.  Most of the professors of Krakow's Academy ( Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) during Obrzydowski's stay there were Kapists, the artists or students of Polish Colorists who around !910 formed Paris Commitee (Komitet Paryski - K.P.). 

As a student from a rather poor background, Obrzydowski had to adopt conformist attitudes in order to get much needed scholarship money, which was barely enough for buying food, brushes and paint. There was usually no money left for the canvases  ...  Displaying 750 of 2790 characters.

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